
Combustible Gas Sensors

productssensorscombustible sensorscarbon dioxide sensor (gasboss1100)

GasBossTM*1100 Sensor (Product 7.1700)

GasBoss 1100GasBoss 1100

Parameters: Methane in high concentrations, 0-1-5-25-100% CH4

Technology: Non-dispersive Infrared (NDIR)

The GasBoss®*1100 is a breakthrough in economy and performance. A third the cost of others with similar specs, this unit is designed to serve industry and commercial businesses where budgets are tight and maintenance is minimal.

This self contained unit houses an optical infrared source and solid state absorption analyzer, the electronics for providing 4-20mA and 0-1VDC analog outputs, plus a 110VAC power supply, two SPDT individually settable trip relays and a meter... all packaged in a 10x7x7" (254x178x178mm) dust/water proof fiberglass enclosure. Weight is about 6 pounds (2.7kg). Contacts are rated at 115VAC/1A. An alternate 12VDC input power can be supplied on special request. DC Version is shown.

Fast warm-up, operational in 30 seconds. Power consumption about 30 watts. An optional AC pump provides a means to extract a remote sample (about 500 ml/min) through a long delivery tube. Two 1/4" via hose barbs are provided on the unit. A particulate filter is standard.

The desired CH4 range can be specified. The standard unit is slightly non-linear, and a response or calibration curve is supplied. This is not a problem with trip point control. However, if a strictly linear analog output is required, then order the linearizing module. Accuracy is about 3% of full scale, repeatability is about 1% FS.


Item Model Code
GasBoss*1100 (115VAC) GasBoss*1100- 7.1700
12VDC input power option suffix -DC 7.1753
Sample extraction pump (115VAC) suffix -EP 7.1760
Linearizing module suffix -LM 7.1765

The GasBoss*1100 has proven reliable, even in the rigors of coal mining, offering economical, effective CH4 monitoring. Unit is ideal for areas where the concentrations of methane exceed the normal ranges of pellister type units which are not usable above 5% CH4... such as: gas utilities, gas drilling, coal degassification, methane drainage, petrochemical plants, coke ovens, foundries, heat treatment industries, etc. Note that the "CO2Boss*1100 is the CO2 version of this same NDIR instrument. Call for more information or to order.

GasBoss and CO2Boss are Rel-Tek trademarks.


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